Tucson, Arizona USA
Adam Block is world renowned for his astrophotography, his astrophotography workshops, and for astronomy outreach. He has loved the stars since early childhood, getting his first telescope at age seven. Although he couldn't see much through it, it was powerful enough to hold his interest and it never waned. The tag line on his telescope's giftbox reads "A Hobby Today- A Profession Tomorrow" and it couldn't be more true than for Adam.
Adam’s images are used as references by amateurs and professional researchers alike. The Space Telescope Science Institute, Chandra Observatory, Spitzer, and many observatories around the world have used his images for various purposes.
Adam Block developed the public observing programs at Kitt Peak National Observatory (1996-2005). Later he founded the Mount Lemmon SkyCenter (2007) at the University of Arizona, which uses 24-inch and 32-inch telescopes for public outreach. He currently continues to work in the Department of Astronomy at the University of Arizona.
His images have also appeared in Nature, Time, and National Geographic magazines, and other popular astronomy literature. Some of his work has permeated into worldwide popular culture, being featured as cover art for Dance/Electronica musical artist Paul van Dyk, and sold on high-quality silk scarves in Europe. He has discovered asteroids, a supernova, and a galactic star stream.
Awards and Recognition
- AIC Hubble Award Recipient
Activities and Events