Explore Scientific and the Explore Alliance is committed to bring you educational programs to broaden your horizons and enable you to deepen your knowledge and skills in personal exploration and discovery of your universe. These weekly episodes of 'How Do You KNOW?' by Dr. Daniel Barth, give educators, parents, and mentors, simple yet effective science demonstrations that you can conduct at very low cost to teach students of any age how the universe works.
Dr. Daniel Barth left a career as a research scientist to teach; he has spent more than 30 years teaching astronomy, physics and chemistry at the high school and college level. A successful science fiction writer, Barth is the author of Maurice on the Moon, Doomed Colony of Mars and other works. He is currently Assistant Professor of STEM Education at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville, and author of the Astronomy for Educators program.
Free digital downloads are available for each episode.
- Episode 1: What Shape is the Moon?
- Episode 2: How Do Lunar Phases Work?
- Episode 3: Proving the Heliocentric Theory Correct
- Episode 4: Modeling the Moon's Surface in Clay
- Episode 5: From the Apple to the Moon
- Episode 6: Galileo Explores Gravity with Pendulums
- Episode 7: Magnification: Yes, you can... No, you can't!
- Episode 8: Exploring the Lunar Surface
- Episode 9: Impactors & Craters
- Episode 10: Moons of Jupiter
- Episode 11: Million, Billion, Trillion!
- Episode 12: Tides and the Moon
- Episode 13: The Roche Effect - From Moons to Rings
- Episode 14: The Doomed Moons of Mars
- Episode 15: Identifying and Classifying Moons
- Episode 16: Origin of the Moon
- Episode 17: Measuring the Earth's Rotation
- Episode 18: Mapping Constellations
- Episode 19: Real and Fake
- Episode 20: Mars: "The Dying Planet"
- Episode 21: The Origin of Life
- Episode 22: The Viking Experiments
- Episode 23: Sketching Saturn: The Box and Rectangle Method
- Episode 24: Capturing and Identifying Saturn's Moons
- Episode 25: Discovering Lunar Phases
- Episode 26: Quenched Galaxies
- Episode 27: Ultra Diffuse Galaxies
- Episode 28: Dark Matter Part 1
- Episode 29: Dark Matter Part 2
- Episode 30: There is NO Debate in Science
- Episode 31: Hit, Run, and Return
- Episode 32: Living On Mars
- Episode 33: Three Rings of Planetary Formation
- Episode 34: Meet the James Webb Space Telescope
- Episode 35: What Are Lagrange Points?
- Episode 36: When Asteroids Strike!
- Episode 37: Solar Tsunami
- Episode 38: Parker Solar Probe
- Episode 39: Exploring Martian Geology From Orbit
- Episode 40: Evidence of Water Ice on Mars
- Episode 41: Measuring Time
- Episode 42:
- Episode 43:
- Episode 44: Carbon Signals on Mars
- Episode 45: Nucleotide Bases in Asteroids
- Episode 46: Mars: Inside and Out
- Episode 47:
- Episode 48: Understanding The Hubble Constant
- Episode 49: The Hubble Constant Mystery
- Episode 50: Questions and Answers
- Episode 51: Understanding Planetary Nebula
- Episode 52: Who Discovered Neptune?
- Episode 53: Finding the Value of G
- Episode 54: Exploring Valles Marineris
- Episode 55:
- Episode 56: Anthropic Cosmological Principle
- Episode 57: The Fine Tuning of Nature
- Episode 58: Black Hole Collisions
- Episode 59:
- Episode 60: Where's the Proof that Einstein's Right?
Visit the Official Facebook Page for 'How Do You KNOW?'
For questions or comments, Dr. Barth can be reached at astronomyforeducators @ gmail.com.