Explore Alliance Presents: How Do You KNOW? – Episode #38: ''Parker Solar Probe"
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Sadly Dr. Parker passed away on March 15th of this year, but he was in his lifetime able to see the spacecraft launch and to see data coming from its instruments.
Learn more about the Parker Solar Probe and Eugene Parker on this 38th episode of How Do You KNOW?
The activities and materials provided free for the How Do You Know? program are based upon Dr. Barth’s award-winning book: Astronomy For Educators. This book is used as a resource in more than 5,700 schools across the United States and in more than 50 countries world-wide. Published as an Open Educational Resource Text, it is made available from the University of Arkansas Library Press.
The activities and materials provided free for the How Do You Know? program are based upon Dr. Barth’s award-winning book: Astronomy For Educators. This book is used as a resource in more than 5,700 schools across the United States and in more than 50 countries world-wide. Published as an Open Educational Resource Text, it is made available from the University of Arkansas Library Press.
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